Learn about the Complex Trauma Training Center (CTTC)
The Complex Trauma Training Center (CTTC) offers training and consultation for psychotherapists and mental health professionals working with individuals and communities impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD).
Our intention is to provide a relational, diverse, inclusive, depth-oriented professional community for those seeking a supportive network of therapists working with Complex Trauma.
We offer clinical trainings in integrative modalities like the NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM®), as well as ongoing development and mentorship programs for clinicians. We believe that increasing effectiveness as therapists is a professional and personal journey that includes clinical training, mentorship, ongoing consultation, community engagement, and personal support toward increasing well-being and fulfillment.
The Complex Trauma Training Center offers clinical trainings, ongoing professional development programs, and community events.
Clinical Trainings
CTTC provides year-long clinical trainings for mental health professionals addressing the impact of adverse childhood experiences and complex trauma:
Ongoing Professional Development Programs
CTTC provides in-depth, ongoing professional development programs for those that want to deepen their clinical training, receive guidance with application of clinical skills, access ongoing support from CTTC faculty and mentors, and have ongoing engagement with our professional community.
- Ongoing Consult Groups
- Ongoing Active Coaching Groups
- Ongoing Demonstration Workshops
- Mentorship Cohorts
- Inner Development Programs for Psychotherapists
Community Events and Offerings
CTTC hosts regular events and learning opportunities to connect with other trauma-informed professionals in a variety of ways in support of healing complex trauma.
- Monthly Introduction to NARM® Webinars
- Complex Trauma Webinars
- Community Events
- Transforming Trauma Podcast
“Maybe you are searching among branches for what only appears in roots” (Rumi)
Our trainings, programs, and events emphasize professional growth in balance with personal growth. Our focus is on the human in one’s role as a mental health professional.
As a professional community, we are coming together to support the inner world of the therapist, building greater capacity in ourselves and our clients on 3 levels of our human experience:
- Personal
- Interpersonal
- Transpersonal
Our professional orientation respects therapeutic modalities and wisdom traditions that honor the full human experience and which recognize the interdependence of body, emotions, mind, spirit and relationships. Honoring one’s authentic Self, our work with Complex Trauma lives in the space where biology, psychology & spirituality meet.
Creating a professional community focused on training, consultation and ongoing mentorship for mental health professionals working with individuals and communities impacted by Complex Trauma
Supporting mental health professionals on 3 levels of our human experience: Personal, Interpersonal & Transpersonal
Core Values:
Professional Quality, Intentionality, Curiosity, Community, Relationally-Focused, Heartfulness
CTTC Faculty work closely with training participants in developing their craft in providing effective and powerful psychotherapy for individuals impacted by complex trauma. Our professional trainings all include small group and individualized learning opportunities with our trainers, as well as opportunities to receive ongoing, continuous mentoring from CTTC Faculty, even once participants have completed their training. CTTC is committed to providing ongoing resources of support for clinicians working with complex trauma.
Where can I find our more about the faculty and staff at CTTC?
For more information about the CTTC faculty, please visit: https://complextraumatrainingcenter.com/faculty/
For more information about the CTTC staff, please visit: https://complextraumatrainingcenter.com/staff/
In early 2024, the Complex Trauma Training Center emerged from the NARM® Training Institute as a way to better optimize delivery of cutting-edge trauma-informed programs designed to train helping professionals in addressing complex trauma. These two organizations collaborate closely on providing high quality training programs and an international professional community.
The NARM Training Institute is led by Dr. Laurence Heller, NARM Founder, and Tue Kjaer, Director of NARM Scandinavia, and provides:
- Level 1 NARM Basics Training (and L1 Consult Groups)
- Level 4 Post-Masters Immersion Training (and L4 Consult Groups)
- Inner Circle Program
The Complex Trauma Training Center is led by Brad Kammer, NARM Senior Faculty, Stefanie Klein and Marcia Black, NARM Faculty, and provides:
- Level 2 NARM Therapist Training (and L2 Consult and Active Coaching Groups)
- Level 3 NARM Master Therapist Training (and L3 Consult and Active Coaching Groups)
- Transforming Trauma Podcast.
Both the NARM Training Institute and the Complex Trauma Training Center will be focusing on the continued delivery of these current programs, while developing new and enriching ones in 2024 and beyond. Stay tuned for exciting announcements as we launch our current and new offerings, aimed at supporting your learning, integration, and mastery in healing complex trauma.
Learn about CTTC resources
Transforming Trauma is a top rated podcast about thriving after trauma.
Bi-weekly episodes highlight those whose work inspires personal and collective change. You will be introduced to leading experts in the trauma field as well as others that are applying trauma-informed work in creative and supportive ways. Additionally, the podcast features NARM® Therapists that are applying the NeuroAffective Relational Model® in a variety of diverse settings.
Whether you are a healthcare professional, an educator, a public policy maker, a trauma survivor, or someone interested in personal healing and social justice, Transforming Trauma will provide you with a map for increased resiliency, greater health outcomes, healthier relationships, personal growth and social change. We invite you to listen along as we explore how freedom from complex trauma is possible!
CTTC Faculty are open to collaborating in support of podcasts, programs or conferences. Please contact us at admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
If you’re interested in inviting a NARM® presenter to speak at an event, or hosting a NARM® presentation or training in your area please contact: admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
CTTC learning materials, including NARM® Training manuals and videos, are not for public use. Training materials are for the learning of our participants and intended for private use only. CTTC materials may not be copied, reproduced, or shared in any form without prior written permission of the Complex Trauma Training Center. If you do want to use any CTTC materials publicly, please contact us for permission in advance at admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com.
You are welcome to reference or quote from any CTTC materials, including the NARM® Training materials or NARM® books, provided that references and quotes are appropriately attributed and not presented in a way that implies that CTTC, or any specific author, is endorsing your work. If you are looking for a direct reference, to use any content longer than a short paragraph, or adapting concepts outside of the scope of how they are presented, please contact us for permission in advance at admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com.
Learn about the NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM®)
The NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM®) is an integrated mind-body approach for addressing the long-term impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD), including attachment, relational, developmental, cultural and intergenerational trauma.
NARM® is a developmentally-oriented, neuroscientifically-informed model that emerged out of earlier psychotherapeutic orientations including, but not limited to: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy; Developmental, Self and Object Relations Psychology; Depth Psychology; Attachment Theory; Somatic Psychology, including Somatic Experiencing, Gestalt Therapy and other Somatic approaches; and Relationally-based Psychotherapeutic approaches. NARM® draws heavily from the current literature on interpersonal neurobiology and neuroscience.
NARM® also has roots in non-Western wisdom traditions, and acknowledges and appreciates those theories and theorists who are less well-known, those from outside of traditional psychology, and those whose contributions have been minimized or ignored. NARM® draws from different cultural and spiritual traditions and honors the wellspring of traditional wisdom and healing practices that have inspired and shaped the NARM® approach.
NARM® was created by Dr. Laurence Heller and introduced in the books he co-authored with Dr. Aline LaPierre: Healing Developmental Trauma and CTTC Training Director Brad Kammer: The Practical Guide for Healing Developmental Trauma.
For more information on the NARM® Training Institute, please visit: www.narmtraining.com or contact them directly at: admin@narmtraining.com
NARM® is one of the first psychotherapeutic approaches specifically designed to address C-PTSD. While there are many trauma modalities designed to address PTSD, NARM® is specifically designed and uniquely positioned as a leader in the clinical treatment of C-PTSD. There are very few training programs that currently offer professional training specifically designed for complex trauma.
Additionally, NARM® provides an integrated training program that works both “top-down” and “bottom-up” with the various levels of human experience (cognitive, emotional, physiological, relational and spiritual) that are impacted by unresolved complex trauma. NARM® is a depth-oriented clinical approach that includes a somatic, relational and transpersonal focus.
According to many NARM® graduates who have been through other trauma training programs, NARM® Training stands apart in the depth, breadth, clinical rigor, mentorship and professionalism. Many NARM® graduates share how the NARM® Training profoundly shifts the way they work, while also impacting their personal lives. Graduates have reflected how meaningful it is to receive such compassionate mentorship and be part of such a heartful community.
Getting Started with NARM® Training
Depending on your education and licensing credentials, you may be able to start at either Level 1 or Level 2 training.
Level 1, Online Basics Training is a live, virtual training offered to a broad range of helping professionals. This psychoeducational training is designed to support professionals working with Complex Trauma, and provides in-depth information on the NARM® therapeutic model. Those that have participated in our Level 1 training include mental health professionals, substance abuse and addiction counselors, doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, first responders, educators, coaches, spiritual and religious workers, among others. This training helps professionals become more trauma-informed in their work. Graduates of the Level 1 Training can apply to become NARM®-Informed Professionals and be listed on the NARM® Practitioner Directory.
This training is hosted by the NARM Training Institute. To learn more about this training and register, visit their website here.
Level 2, NARM® Therapist Training is a live, in-person and/or virtual training program designed for licensed mental health professionals, current mental health graduate students, and active clinical interns/trainees. Additionally, those who are legally permitted to practice psychotherapy are eligible to apply (e.g., physicians, psychiatric nurses, clergy). This clinical training is designed to train mental health professionals in addressing the long-term impacts of ACEs and C-PTSD, and support integration of NARM® therapy into their ongoing practice. Graduates of the Level 2 NARM Therapist Training can apply to become NARM® Therapists and can continue their training with CTTC in the Level 3 NARM® Master Therapist Training.
Depending on your education and licensing credentials, you may be able to start at either Level 1 or Level 2 training.
Level 1 Online Basics Training – provided by the NARM Training Institute – is a psychoeducational training offered to a broad range of helping professionals in a live online format. This training includes 60 hours of training.
Level 2 NARM® Therapist Training – provided by CTTC – is an advanced clinical training designed for licensed mental health professionals, current mental health graduate students, and active clinical interns/trainees. These trainings are delivered in-person, online, and in hybrid formats. Graduates are eligible to qualify and promote themselves as NARM® Therapists. This training includes 120 CE hours of training.
The primary difference between these two trainings is that Level 1 is a psychoeducational training designed for a broader range of helping professionals, whereas Level 2 is focused on developing advanced clinical skills for mental health professionals.
If you are not a licensed mental health professional, mental health graduate student or active clinical intern/trainee, you are only eligible for the NARM Training Institute’s Level 1 NARM® Online Basics Training and Inner Circle Online Membership Program.
Other ongoing NARM® resources include our podcast Transforming Trauma, our YouTube channel, our webinars, and our Events page which has additional learning opportunities.
If you choose to pursue your graduate degree towards becoming a licensed mental health professional, as soon as you begin your program you become eligible and can apply to join the Level 2 NARM® Therapist Training.
Yes. As a licensed mental health professional you are able to begin at either the Level 1 Online Basics Training or Level 2 NARM® Therapist Training. You will still need to begin at the beginning (Module 1) of the Level 2 Training no matter what amount of the Level 1 Training you’ve taken.
As the Level 1 Training is hosted by the NARM Training Institute, we cannot provide any refunds for your Level 1 tuition.
You will need to apply, register and pay for Level 2 training as a new Level 2 participant.
For any additional questions, please email: admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
No. To be eligible for CTTC’s Level 3 NARM® Master Training, you need to first complete the Level 2 Therapist Training.
Similarly, to be eligible for the NARM Training Institute’s Level 4 Post Masters Immersion Training, you need to complete the Level 3 Master Therapist Training.
Yes! Participants often find it useful to repeat the training experience in support of their integration and mastery of NARM. As a returning participant for either Level 2 or Level 3 trainings, participants are eligible to receive 50% off your tuition.
For more information or to be put on the returning participant waiting list, please contact: admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
NARM® Training Certificates
No. The Complex Trauma Training Center is not an evaluative body and does not offer certification. However, CTTC does offer Professional Certificates to those that complete the training certificate programs and requirements.
Please note: how you apply the learning and experience from your NARM® Training to your work depends on your own education and training, licensure, and scope of practice. Any questions about your scope of practice should be directed to your professional association, licensing board, or relevant legal, ethical, or clinical resources for your professional discipline. The Complex Trauma Training Center, including CTTC faculty and staff, are in no way responsible for your application of NARM® theory and skills, and will not be able to answer, nor be held liable, for any legal or ethical issues regarding your use of NARM®.
The Complex Trauma Training Center offers two professional certificates that correspond to Levels 2 and 3 of NARM® Training. These certificates require the fulfillment of the attendance requirements for the corresponding training, as well as the completion of additional learning requirements that are specific to each level of training.
Level 2 NARM® Therapist Training graduates who meet the attendance requirement and complete the additional Level 2 certificate requirements are awarded a NARM® Therapist Certificate.
Level 3 NARM® Master Training graduates who meet the attendance requirement and complete the additional Level 3 certificate requirements are awarded a NARM® Master Therapist Certificate.
Training certificates are awarded to graduates who meet the attendance requirement and complete the certificate requirements within one year following the completion of their training. Training-specific certificate requirements can be found on each training website, and the Training Portal.
Certificate requirements differ by Level of training. To find out the requirements specific to your training level please visit your Training Portal, or your training webpage.
Please refer to your Training Portal for approved providers and instructions on how to document the fulfillment of your certificate requirements.
If you are not able to find your certificate requirements or have any other questions, please email admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com and specify your training cohort (e.g. Level 2 Spring 2024).
The certificate requirements consist of different learning activities that are designed to support the learning and integration of NARM®, depending on level of training.
Group Case Consults are required for Training Certificate Programs at Levels 2-3 (and can be continued indefinitely upon completion of these trainings). These group case consults are offered as level-specific and are an opportunity to revisit and deconstruct NARM® Theory, reflect on cases using NARM® principles, and engage with other NARM®-related questions. The Group Case Consult Provider will facilitate reflection into the learning and exploration into how NARM® participants can apply these principles and skills into their work. Group consults are typically two hours long and are set up through CTTC with approved Group Case Consult Providers.
Individual Case Consults are available to participants seeking Training Certificates corresponding to Levels 2-3. They are one-on-one versions of our group case consultations. It is an opportunity for the participant to receive more individualized support with how to understand and apply NARM® principles and skills. Individual case consults are typically one hour long and are set up privately with approved Individual Case Consult Providers.
Experiential Consults are available and required for Training Certificate Programs at Level 2 only. They are one-on-one experiential learning opportunities with Approved Providers. The Experiential Consult Provider will facilitate reflection, exploration and didactic debrief into how training participants can apply NARM® principles and skills into their work by inviting the participant to role-play a clinical experience. Experiential consults are typically one hour long and are set up privately with approved Experiential Consult providers.
Active Coaching Groups are available and required for Training Certificate Programs for Levels 2-3 (and can be continued indefinitely upon completion of these trainings). They are skill practice with direct guidance from an Active Coaching Provider, which involves 2 participant volunteers directly – one who will be practicing as therapist and one who will be role-playing client; the rest of the participants are observers and can participate in the debrief and discussion. These groups will generally involve two sessions of active coaching. Group active coaching booked through the CTTC website are typically two hours long. Private small active coaching groups can be set up directly with approved Active Coaching Providers.
Please note: after a participant has completed their NARM® Training certificate requirements, training graduates are welcome to continue participating in Group Case Consults and Active Coaching Groups. Training graduates will no longer be eligible to participate in Individual Case Consults, Experiential Consults or private Active Coaching groups through the Complex Trauma Training Center.
Yes, experiential learning opportunities that are part of Certificate Requirements, such as consults, experiential consults and active coaching, are an additional cost. The 2-hour group consults and active coaching groups booked through the Institute website cost $75 each. Individual case and experiential consults are $125 per hour (fees may be higher with NARM® Faculty). Please inquire about cost when scheduling directly with the Approved Provider.
There are 2 NARM® Training Certificates that participants can receive upon completion of the NARM Therapist Training and additional learning requirements, which depend on educational background, clinical training and professional licensure/certification.
NARM® THERAPIST: All levels of mental health professionals (including psychologists, psychotherapists and social workers) who have a master’s degree or higher in the mental health field and are licensed or certified through a state or national board which authorizes independent psychotherapy practice, will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion as a NARM® Therapist. For the NARM® Master Therapist Training, participants will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion as a NARM® Master Therapist.
NARM® PRACTITIONER: Therapists and counselors, graduate students and clinical interns, educators, physicians, nurses, clergy, and alternative health practitioners who can legally practice psychotherapy but are not licensed psychotherapists, will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion as a NARM® Practitioner. For the NARM® Master Therapist Training, participants will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion as a NARM® Master Practitioner.
The NARM® Therapist and NARM® Practitioner designations listed above are awarded to training participants who have completed their training requirements as a certificate of completion for this continuing educational program and not a replacement for licensure and/or certification. The Complex Trauma Training Center is neither a regulatory nor licensing organization and therefore not sanctioned to certify, license, or otherwise bestow the legal authorization to practice as a mental health professional. All training participants and graduates are responsible for working under their professional license and within their scope of practice. The Complex Trauma Training Center is not responsible for the professional practice of its training participants and graduates, and if there are concerns or complaints, these must be communicated directly to the provider’s local licensing board, certification board, and/or professional organization governing the individual’s license, certification and/or scope of practice.
Yes, as long as they are an approved provider through the Complex Trauma Training Center. If they are, than you are able to complete your training certificate requirements through these providers.Please refer to your portal or contact admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com to receive your complete approved provider list. Learning experiences with providers who are not part of the approved provider list will not count towards your certificate requirements, so please always confirm before scheduling.
If you are unsure if the provider you are working with has been approved by CTTC for the completion of Training Certificate Requirements, please check your provider list, or email admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com.
For any European or other NARM® Training Assistant that is not an active TA through CTTC and is interested in becoming a provider through CTTC, please contact us for more information.
NARM® Training Attendance Policy
Before registering for a NARM® Training, please be aware that your full attendance is required for our live trainings, unless we are informed of an absence ahead of time, or in the event of an unforeseen emergency. If you are earning Continuing Education credits (CEs), you must be in attendance for 100% of the training.
Attendance and participation are critical to the success of this training for everyone involved. Absence and lack of participation in our trainings impact your learning process, and also the experience of other participants.
Prior to the start of the training, you will be given the opportunity to notify us of any planned absences you may need to take throughout. This will include full days away, arriving late, leaving early, or missing any part of the training. If you have any questions about this attendance policy prior to submitting your application for a NARM® Training, please contact us at: admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
You are required to attend all 4 modules of the NARM® Therapist Training and all 3 modules of the NARM® Master Therapist Training.
In the event a NARM participant misses more than six (6) hours of a training module, they will be required to make up the missed class time through alternative means. The participant will be required to:
- Review training videos of all missed content
- Participate in an Active Coaching (either hosted by CTTC or in a small group format)
- Complete a review consultation with a Lead Training Assistant.
(Note: Costs for the review consultation and Active Coaching will apply)
These three requirements must be met and verified before you can attend the next training module. If these requirements are not completed before the next training module, you will not be able to continue in this NARM Training, and we will assist you in transferring to another training.
In the event a NARM participant misses more than a combined 30 hours, they will not be able to continue in this NARM Training, and we will assist you in transferring to another training.
If a participant transfers into a future training within 2 years, they will not be required to re-take the entire NARM Training. After 2 years of inactivity, participants must re-apply and complete the entire NARM Training.
No exceptions will be made to the attendance policy. If you foresee scheduling issues that will prevent you from meeting the attendance requirement, we recommend that you transfer to a subsequent training at the same module. While we encourage you to complete your training within the same cohort, you are allowed one transfer between cohorts. Please note, transfer is subject to enrollment availability.
Yes, video recordings of the training modules will be made available via the online portal approximately one week after the completion of each module. The recording will be available to training participants for one year following the completion of their training.
All NARM® Trainings include significant aspects of experiential learning and skill practice. We strongly encourage all NARM® participants to participate in all learning activities so as to get the full extent of the training. While we strongly encourage all participants to fully participate, participants are permitted to sit out any exercise or practice, we just ask that they notify one of the training team members if they choose not to participate. Participants that consistently do not participate in the experiential learning or skill practice may be contacted by one of our training team members to see how we can best support them, and on some occasions, may be asked to repeat the training, before being permitted to advance onto higher levels of NARM® Training.
NARM® Training Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Yes. Continuing Education (CE) credits are available for Level 2 and Level 3 NARM® Trainings. Please refer to each training page for CE related information. Level 2 Training offers up to 120 hours of CE credits, and Level 3 Training offers 102 hours of CE credits for the whole training (36 credits available for Module 1, 36 credits available for Module 2, and 30 credits available for Module 3).
CE credits are awarded per module, therefore you need to make sure that you apply for your CE credits after each module for which you seek to obtain credits.
You can find additional information on CEs on each training website page, in the Continuing Education Information section.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the participant to make sure that the CE credits offered for each training comply with their continuing education requirements through their local licensing and/or accreditation board. No refunds will be allowed so please confirm before registering for the training.
No, Continuing Education (CE) credits are currently included in the cost of the training tuition.
Depending on how much time has passed since you attended the training, you may or may not be able to receive CE credits now for a training that you attended previously. We cannot guarantee it due to our CE co-sponsors who are responsible for setting deadlines when applications for CE credits can be received and honored.
Please refer to the information you were provided during the training. Information about CE timelines can be found on your portal, or in post-training module emails.
NARM® Training Costs and Payment
Please refer to your training page on our website for tuition cost. Go to Trainings and select the course you want to attend. Scroll down to Pricing section for the detailed costs.
Yes, if you are interested in obtaining NARM® Therapist (Level 2) or NARM® Master Therapist (Level 3) Certificates, there are additional learning activities that are part of those Training Certificate programs and that carry additional costs. These include Group Consults, Individual Consults, Experiential Consults, and/or Active Coaching Groups. Additionally, in-person training may carry associated travel and lodging costs (not covered in the tuition).
Fulfilling the training certificate requirements is not required if you choose not to work toward the NARM® Training Certificate; please note however that you will not be eligible to refer to yourself as a NARM® Therapist. Beyond that, we strongly recommend participants to participate in all available learning activities as they are designed to deepen the learning and skills outside of the training modules, and thus are essential for mastery of NARM®.
Yes, we offer group discounts to organizations (ie., agencies, clinics, group practices, etc.) who send three or more individuals to a NARM® Training at one time (available for Training Levels 2-3). For all organizational discount requests, please contact admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
For higher numbers of staff (above 10) or organizations that wish to sponsor a NARM® Training, please inquire with us.
Yes, we understand that highly personalized training programs like ours can make it difficult for those interested to access, so CTTC makes scholarships available to support greater access to our trainings and programs.
Our primary focus of scholarships is to support helping professionals who come from and/or work with underserved populations, including the BIPOC community. Additionally, we have scholarships available to support those that are facing significant financial hardship. In some cases, we might ask for further documentation to assure you meet the criteria for a scholarship.
You can find additional information about our scholarship program here.
For inquiries about in-service trainings, or larger numbers of staff (above 10), please contact us to discuss alternative financial arrangements: admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
The 2-hour group consults and active coaching groups booked through CTTC do not have a sliding fee scale – they are $75 each. However, when you schedule individual case and experiential consults, you are welcome to inquire with the provider directly if they offer a sliding fee scale.
Yes, we offer a 20% discount for currently enrolled graduate students and clinical interns. Please register for student pricing on the training page. If you cannot find student pricing on our website, please contact admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
If you would like to access your billing information and transaction details, go to your training portal and go to the Billing section. If you need additional documentation, please email admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
NARM® Training Graduate and Current Participant Resources
If you were in a cohort that started NARM® Training in 2022 or later, your participant resources are available in the training portal. The training portal will include your training handbook, training manual, certificate requirements, consult/experiential provider list, attendance form, CE instructions and other helpful information.
Training portal login information was sent out to you via email approximately one week before the beginning of your training.
If you were in a cohort that began NARM® Training before 2022, your training materials were sent to you via email. The materials are included in emails via links, and will not show up as attachments on the email. Please search your inbox for messages from admin@narmtraining.com.
If you are unable to find your materials, or are having difficulty logging into your portal please contact: admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
Recorded modules of the training are made available via the online training portal approximately one week after the completion of each module. Please check your training portal to access your videos. The training recordings will be available to you for one year following the completion of your training.
If your training took place before 2022, your video link was sent to you via email.
The training portal is available to all participants who began training in 2022 or later. You will have access to the portal for one full year after the completion of the last module.
The educational materials provided to you at NARM® Trainings are for your reference and to deepen your understanding of NARM®. You are not authorized to copy, reproduce, or share your training materials in any form without the prior written permission of the Complex Trauma Training Center and/or NARM® Training Institute. Completion of a NARM® Training does not entitle you to integrate NARM® content into clinical or commercial programs without prior permission. Please refer to NARM® Institute’s Brand Policy and contact: admin@narmtraining.com with inquires.
No. While we appreciate you wanting to share these resources with others, all CTTC learning materials, including NARM® Training manuals and confidential videos, are proprietary information and designated for NARM® participants’ use only, and not for public use. CTTC materials may not be copied, reproduced, or shared in any form without prior written permission of the Complex Trauma Training Center.
If you’d like to share with your colleagues and friends, please refer them to the monthly NARM® Intro webinars, Transforming Trauma podcast, YouTube videos, Facebook page, Instagram, or NARM® books.
For those interested in potentially training to become a NARM® Therapist, please share a link to our training schedule or monthly intro webinar.
If you do want to use any CTTC materials publicly, please contact us for permission in advance at admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com.
For graduates of the Level 2 NARM® Therapist Training, you may request the “NARM® Presentation” PowerPoint slides to present NARM® to others. Our training graduates use these slides to present to colleagues, organizations and conferences. If you completed the Level 2 NARM® Therapist Training and would like to inquire about receiving this presentation, please reach out to us at: admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
Please refer to NARM®’s Brand Policy or reach out to the NARM Training Institute at: admin@narmtraining.com.
When using any CTTC Intellectual Property, you must clearly state applicable attributions (such as trademark and copyright notices) and always credit the author. CTTC is required to protect it’s copyrighted and Trademarked materials to the fullest extent of the law.
Each year, there are a very limited amount of spots that become available for new NARM® Training Assistants. Because of this, we have created an invite-only process. We understand that this may be a disappointment to those NARM® Therapists that would like to give back to the CTTC community, and we encourage you to find other ways to stay engaged with us – for example, through our ongoing consultation and active coaching groups, webinars, other learning programs, and CTTC community events.
Providing transparency about this process, CTTC leadership will personally invite NARM® Therapists based on specific criteria to apply to become a NARM® Training Assistant. The specific criteria includes such things as: experience as a teacher and/or group facilitator, years of experience with NARM, aptitude for the application of NARM, willingness to receive ongoing mentoring, fit as part of teams, and a desire to give back to the CTTC training community.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
The Complex Trauma Training Center has a strong commitment to supporting and promoting the trauma-informed movement in North America and worldwide. We do this primarily through professional training and development. This also includes a strong commitment to promoting accessibility to the NARM® model, creating learning environments that support diversity, inclusion, and belonging, and holding the intention to learn from and grow together as an international professional community.
We appreciate that so many of the helping professionals who train with us work from a spirit of social justice and advocacy. At CTTC, we are grounded in a strong commitment to addressing healing complex trauma as a vehicle for both personal and social transformation. All offerings through CTTC are grounded in our individual and collective humanity, particularly as it comes to how we address complex trauma, which includes recognizing and working with attachment, developmental, relational, cultural and intergenerational trauma.
The Complex Trauma Training Center is committed to creating training environments and a learning community that supports diversity, fosters inclusion and promotes belonging.
We are continuously engaging in ongoing self-reflection; facilitating discussions amongst our staff, training teams and community; engaging other organizations, associations and key partners in dialogue; seeking specialized training; and holding regular meetings for our Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB) committee.
We understand that particularly for participants of color and from other minority groups, being in learning environments where the majority of participants represent the dominant culture can lead to concerns around safety, being seen, heard, valued, and feeling like one can belong. We focus on creating learning environments that facilitate connection through our shared humanity while creating space for each participant’s own individual and cultural experience. We hold the intention of meeting every participant with the spirit of cultural humility, which includes learning, accountability and growth in response to oversights, mistakes and/or errors. We invite each participant to share with us about issues that arise so that we can collaborate towards helping them feel supported by the group and present to the learning. We strive to meet each other with curiosity and acceptance so that difference can support connection.
We know that we are all in this together and look forward to ongoing reflection and increased understanding as we continue growing together as an international professional community.
While our offerings acknowledge and discuss the origins of complex trauma emerging out of social systems, the legacy of unresolved cultural and intergenerational trauma, and the impact these forms of trauma have on individuals and communities, CTTC does not offer social or political training, and therefore will not focus efforts on how to explicitly impact systemic change nor directly promote social or political causes.
If you are seeking a learning program that will focus on the systemic failures and train you in addressing complex trauma in larger social systems, we would encourage you to explore other trauma-informed trainings. We understand that if our programs do not deliver on what you are expecting that this could impact your learning process so we want you to have a clear understanding of the boundaries of these programs. All CTTC programs are designed to support individual helping professionals in their direct work with complex trauma.
While CTTC programs will not specifically focus on addressing these important areas of changing systems that maintain systemic oppression and inequalities, we do very much hope that those who learn with us will use their learning to impact these systems for the better.
While our primary focus is on professional trainings, we are open to collaboration on special projects. Please contact us to share your ideas at admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
At CTTC, we are committed to building relationships and partnering with individuals, groups and organizations in ways that we may be able to contribute to and support efforts to make real change for individuals, communities and systems.
No, we do not offer BIPOC-only trainings at this time. At CTTC, we strive to create the most welcoming and inclusive learning environments as possible for individuals from all backgrounds.
We are committed to accommodating participants as much as possible. We ask that you please share with us any issues that could potentially impact your learning experience, and we will hold this confidentially within our staff and training team. In the case that we are unable to accommodate you, we will do our best to provide alternative solutions given your specific context. Please contact us for further discussion at admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com
Receiving Mental Health Support
The Complex Trauma Training Center is a professional training organization and as such does not provide treatment nor help you find treatment for you or your loved one. CTTC does not offer consultation on individual cases and does not recommend specific providers. However, you are welcome to browse through the NARM® Training Institute Practitioner Directory, where professionals who have participated in NARM® trainings provide their level of training and contact information.
The NARM® Training Institute Practitioner Directory is where you can connect with a NARM® provider. Review full profiles of professionals that have completed NARM® training, including contact information. You can contact practitioners directly to get more information about their offerings.
No. As the Complex Trauma Training Center is not a certifying or licensing body, it does not have the authority to influence an individual’s professional credentials. Complaints should be filed directly with the provider’s local licensing board, certification board, and/or professional organization governing the individual’s license, certification and/or scope of practice.
If you believe someone is misrepresenting themselves as a NARM® trainer, provider or participant, or in some other way affiliated with CTTC that you believe is a misrepresentation, please contact admin@complextraumatrainingcenter.com with your inquiry.