The Complex Trauma Training Center will now be hosting Level 2 NARM Therapist and Level 3 NARM Master Therapist trainings previously offered by the NARM Training Institute. Learn more about these changes here.
Welcome to the Complex Trauma Training Center
Healing Complex Trauma as a vehicle for personal and social transformation…
We offer training and consultation for psychotherapists and mental health professionals working with individuals and communities impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD).
Our intention is to provide a relational, diverse, inclusive, depth-oriented professional community for those seeking a supportive network of therapists working with Complex Trauma.
We offer clinical trainings in integrative modalities like the NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM®), as well as ongoing development and mentorship programs for clinicians. We believe that increasing effectiveness as therapists is a professional and personal journey that includes clinical training, mentorship, ongoing consultation, community engagement, and personal support toward increasing well-being and fulfillment.
Read below for more on our clinical trainings, ongoing professional development programs, and community events.
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Free NARM Webinar
Introduction to NARM

Join us on February 28, 2025 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific Time for a free on the NeuroAffective Relational Model for Healing Attachment, Relational & Developmental Trauma.
What you will learn in this Webinar:
- An overview of NARM’s theoretical and clinical approach to complex trauma
- NARM’s roots in the fields of somatic psychology, relational psychodynamic psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology
- The distinction between shock and developmental trauma
- The NARM clinical approach as applied through a clinical demonstration
- Further learning and training opportunities
- Plus much more
What do our training participants think of the NARM Trainings?
Kelli Klinger
Being part of the NARM Trainings and this community has offered me more than I expected and hoped for. I was first drawn to it because it integrated orientations and frameworks I’d long practiced, but put them together in a comprehensive, integrated way that was unique, powerful and non-pathologizing. Once in the training, I was impressed by the obvious respect that the model, trainers, and practitioners have for clients, students, and each other’s humanity. The core principles of the model – curiosity, self-inquiry and presence- are reflected and inherent in the community and the training itself. Over time, as I’ve learned, practiced and taught the model, I’ve grown as a person and as a clinician. While I sought the training to become a more effective therapist, I’ve also come to experience more connection to myself and others, more aliveness, more freedom, more fun in my life.

Aisha Davis
I signed up for the NARM training with the hope that it would help guide and assist my work with clients. And to say it was a life changing experience, is an understatement. Looking back, I can see how I greatly underestimated the impact of NARM on not only my clients, but also me personally. NARM came into my life at the exact moment that I needed it… NARM provided me with the community, framework, and safe space to grow, stretch and learn in several aspects of my life. The safety of the space allowed for a vulnerability that was unfamiliar, yet heartwarming.

Bianka Hardin, PhD
I have been impacted in so many meaningful and profound ways because of my investment in my NARM learning. I have experienced personal and professional transformation. I have learned so much about how to be a trauma-informed therapist, supervisor, consultant, and business owner. The training community is deeply relational, caring, and impactful on individual, community, and systemic levels. I am impressed with the humility, heartfulness, and the intentionality of every aspect of this community. I have seen the training faculty “walk the walk” and have been touched by their heartfulness, caring, and commitment to the training, the field, and our world. I am so thankful for their mentorship and care for this professional community.

Wei-Hao Wu
The focus on the therapist as a human being in NARM training has been instrumental. This approach has enabled me to explore myself more deeply, reconnect with my heart, and embody authenticity and vulnerability. I have found these aspects to be profoundly impactful in my work with clients. As I delved into this model and engaged in self-exploration, an internal shift occurred. I now find myself working with clients in a more engaged manner, without exerting excessive effort. It is an honor to be part of this community.